Caine’s Arcade…..

So I am basically the biggest cynic on the plant. I basically can not stand most people due to the fact that people forgot how to be human. On a daily basis I see how badly people treat one an other, even on the simplest of realms. I am to the point where leaving the house is becoming a chore because I am really tired of encountering how badly humans treat one another. However, I do not think it is so difficult to show someone a little common courtesy. So when I was forwarded this video my heart actually warmed up and grew a little….imagine the Grinch here, when looking down at Whoville and witnessing the Whos rejoicing in Christmas though he still tried to destroy it for them.Zaboo Zaboo!

So this is where Caine come’s in to warm the little cockles of my Grinch heart. Caine is a nine year old boy in East LA who has a wonderful sense of entrepreneurship. What touched me about Caine is that he did something because he enjoyed it and with a wonderful sense of creativity. Watching a community, thanks to one man, rally around this little boy and support him proved to me may be there honestly hope for the human race. The people that supported him showed me that people can still come out and do something unselfishly for someone else. Now I am sure this happens quite often though I am not aware of it but it is usually for some charity event where if you are aware of it you are expected to give what you chose whether it be your time, money or something else. However, with Caine it was just to support a boy, who you have to admit is not in the best part of LA and could be doing something else with his time. Caine is perhaps our hope for the next generation.


Caine’s Arcade from Nirvan Mullick on Vimeo.

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